A Fantastic Start to the New Year
Posted by Neil Crosby on January 1, 2006 09:46 AM
Wow. Just wow.
Until yesterday I’d never used digg.com. I was aware of it being something vaguely along the lines of del.icio.us, but more than that I just didn’t know. So yesterday I decided to sign up and post links to three of the articles that I’ve written here. First up came “Creating Cross Browser Compatible CSS Text Shadows” (normally the most popular article on the site) - 7 diggs. Then I tried “Serving XHTML with the correct mime type using PHP” - 5 diggs. Now don’t get me wrong, I was actually quite happy with those numbers. In the year since “Serving XHTML” was published it’s only been del.icio.us’ed a grand total of 39 people, so 7 in a day on digg didn’t exactly seem bad - after all it was at least 7 new people who’d come to read the article. Then, finally, I decided to digg “mod_rewrite, a beginner’s guide (with examples)” before popping out with Becca to a friend’s house for a couple of New Year’s Eve drinks. When we got back, the article had been dugg 236 times and was riding high on the digg homepage! This morning it’s been dugg 336 times and it’s now dropped down to the second page of digg results, but it’s a couple of items from the top of the del.icio.us popular page!
I’m flabberghasted, I really am. My bandwidth for the last 17 hours is about ten times that which I’d expect on a normal day. Couple that with the fact that it’s New Year’s Eve/Day and less people will be at their computers than normal and that’s looking even better. Looks like I’ll be making sure I digg my articles when I write them from now on then!
If you enjoyed reading this and would like other people to read it as well, please add it to del.icio.us, digg or furl.
If you really enjoyed what you just read, why not buy yourself something from Amazon? You get something nice for yourself, and I get a little bit of commission to pay for servers and the like. Everyone's a winner!
by greatred on January 1, 2006 11:08 AM
I’ve been reading Digg for a little while, maybe a month or two, and yes, I did notice your articles there ;).
Well done on the diggage :D
by Neil Crosby
on January 1, 2006 12:05 PM
Thanks dude - it really did surprise me that it got dugg so much!
by greatred on January 1, 2006 03:18 PM
Better get writing some new stuff then :D
by Neil Crosby
on January 1, 2006 09:18 PM
I have something half written right now that I have an incling is going to be quite popular amongst a certain crowd.