My new Posting Schedule
Posted by Neil Crosby on May 17, 2006 07:00 AM
It’s time for me to get back to basics with this site. The idea behind it was always to help other people by sharing the knowledge that I’d gained. Over the last two years (yup, it’s been two years since I started this) I’ve learnt a lot of things about a lot of things, and I’ve shared a lot of that information with you all.
Now that I’m working full time again though, there are fewer slots of time that I can use for blogging, so I’m going to have to be more focused about what I write. Since I released Standardista Table Sorting my time has become an even scarcer resource than previously, as I’m having to reply to a lot more emails asking for help that are coming my way. What this all boils down to is that from now on I’m going to be posting twice per week - once on saturday, once on wednesday. Occasionally, if you’re incredibly lucky, you might even get a bonus post snuck in some other day of the week too.
Even though this is about the amount I’ve been posting already, I feel that by actually having a posting schedule the site will receive a boost in the quality and consistency of its posts. By sticking to a schedule I’ll be able to write posts ahead of time, rather than writing and then immediately posting. I’ll also be able to schedule more time to devote to the development of Standardista Table Sorting, which I know will please a lot of people. I’ll also be able to schedule more time to write new in-depth articles.
But what I want to know is, why are you here? If you’ve subscribed to the RSS feed, what made you do it? What could I do to make work better for you? What sort of things that I write do you actually like to read?
- Big Long Involved Pieces
- Standardista Table Sorting
- mod_rewrite - a beginner’s guide
- Tales of the Real World, and the hardware and software I’m using
- Should I buy a Mac Mini?
- I bought a Mac Mini
- FeedDemon too reliant on NewsGator
- Short Techy How-Tos
- Problems creating a SELECT box using the DOM in Internet Explorer 6
- mod_rewriting an entire site
- Creating Smart Playlists in iTunes
- Reviews of Things I’ve Read and Used
- The Definitive Guide to Apache mod_rewrite (A Book Review)
- O2 XDA Mini S Review
- “Extreme Programming Applied� book review
- The IT Crowd
If you enjoyed reading this and would like other people to read it as well, please add it to, digg or furl.
If you really enjoyed what you just read, why not buy yourself something from Amazon? You get something nice for yourself, and I get a little bit of commission to pay for servers and the like. Everyone's a winner!
by Jemima on May 18, 2006 09:48 AM
Hi Neil,
I found your site via Standardista Table Sorting and found that your range of entries interested me. I like the tone of your writing in general. I’m less interested in your reviews than the rest, for what it’s worth. A publishing schedule is a great idea. I tried it on my site for a while and it worked really well. I lapsed, but the theory was sound.
by Neil Crosby
on May 19, 2006 09:49 PM
Thanks Jemima, I’m glad I’m doing something right to keep reading the site. I’m really hoping I’m going to be able to keep things going with the posting schedule. It should be possible - I’ve just got to keep pushing with it.