Neil Crosby
Everything below this paragraph is now a lie, but I’m lazy so I’m not going to change it at the moment. I’m now 27, living in Bedford but working in London for Yahoo.
I’m 25 years old, and I’ve just completed my time at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth
where I received a First Class Bachelors of Engineering degree in Software Engineering
(with Honours). Go me!
For my sins, I generally use Windows XP Professional at home. This isn’t because I love it, or I hate ‘nixy things, or anything like that; I use it because it works for me. I’ve also own an iBook, which is very nice and excellent for use away from my “home base”.
My main interest outside of computing is visiting the cinema. There’s something about
sitting in front of a huge silver screen that you just can’t replicate at home with a DVD.
You’ll generally find me sitting in my local cinema at least once a week, watching
something. Of course, I also have a good collection of DVDs at home, because there are
times when you just have have to watch that film again.
So, what else can I say about myself? I like playing scrabble, but haven’t actually played with anyone for ages. I’m generally online at home, where I can be found chatting with friends in a couple of IRC channels. And that’s about it for now I think.
You can contact me, if you’d like to.
The Gi Diet Progress Page
The GI Diet is a way to change your lifesytyle and eat more healthily over a long period of time - a quick-fix faddy wondercure this ain’t! Here are my adventures in weight-loss whilst following the GI-Diet.
Things to buy from Amazon
Printer Memory Cards…
101 Goals in 1001 Days
The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks within a period of 1001 days.
Neil’s Icons
From time to time I like to create icons for use with my livejournal. Here are the ones I’ve made recently….